
of emiction with legalrepresentofian.Whle these eftotsare hepful,theydo not function at the same scdde csfederal palicies and funding sources.
Ltee evic fone,hamekessness hans growm an housingcasts haveircrecsed httingandl-timehighd 653,100panplein Janunry 2023(Fgure 4)In the fist years dfthe pandermic,rerter prolec fions,incame supports,and housing assistanoe helpad stove aff a consid-erable rtse in hamekessness.Hawever,many of theseprottec sions ended in2022,at a timewhenrerts wererising rapidy and increasing numbers of migrantswereprchititedfram wurking.A aresult,he nurberof paople experiending harmetleseness jurmped byneaty 7L000injust one year.Includedin this increasewere an addtiand122,780 people staying in plocesnot intended for hurman hatitafion,inc luding on thestreet,incars,ar in abandoned buldinge in.2023,thetotal rumbar of people npeiencing homelesmessinunsheteredlocatiors reoched 256.6M0,the highestomrecord.
Rising unsheltered homelessnes s is a longer-termandgeogrnphicallywidespeadtrend.The number dfunhousedpeople stryingoutside shelters increasedby mowe than 83.000 people(48 percent)between2015 and 2023 Thispopulcfiongrew qulicdtyinespen-sive states lke Calitornin,Washington,and Oregonwhere sheater resources were ateady straired,butmare dffordable stotes tso reconded increases.Aricoma,Ohia,Tenressee,and Texas were armang thestotas with he lengeast grothinthe numtber d pagpleunshaltered as housingcosts haverisen.
The current admiristration has made addiiondlfederdl resouroas avoilable to reduce hormeless-ness and eapand suppart syshems.This indudes anumpecedented s a lbllon thaough the Us Dapartmentaf Housingandutbon Devekpments (uos)itingCartinuumof Care program.sigrificant monies haveManise baen dlocuted viathe 2021 American RescuePkan(ARP)Act,including the 55 billion HOME-ARPprogram for services,shelters,and housing,plus
70,000Emergency Housing Vouchers.Siute and localgowermmertshave clso invested morethan 52.8 bdianof ther fitsoalrec overyfuncts in hamelessness servicesand housing Even sa,considenably more a hordatblehousing andrert subuidies wil be needed topresventfuther increases in hamelessness,to help rehousepegple at scdle andtoreduce the costs of the hame-lessness response systern.
Holes Are Widening in the HousingSafety Net
Rapidy rieing rents,comtined with wage losses inthe early stoges of the pandermric,haveundersccredthe inadequacy of the eaisting housing sctety net,aspocidllyin times af crisis.Bac ouse rentol assistanoeprogramts are nat an eanidement,theyamty serveametinfour income-algiblehouseholt.Their reoch has beenfuther corstrained by irsufidert budget outlays inthe foce of growing need Thoughthe numbar of verylow-income rentar households gew by 44 mialionbetween 2001and 2021,the number df assisted house-halets in this incame range increased by just 910.000.



