
wal generative Al (gen Al)be the greatest,most impactfu techndlogy innovadion inhstoryg wl it completely transform how humans lke and work?Or wil it turn out tobe just another techrokgy du jpur that promtsed revolutionary change but ulimatelydelvered anly incremental improvement?Right now.we cant be certain.
Whatwe do krow is that many breakthrough techndlogies of the past have follaweda common adoptbon patternt:iritial awareness excitement that led to hype;middtsappointment as hype met reality,and then expkesive growth once the technolbgyreached criical mass and proved its worth.pom pue an apdoad noy uuoysuen oi Enuelod seʌ
sASopuypen oup le asdunf ryawod e Supvoud-pe&awe aney sese)asn pue goonnau Aueu pue spunoq pue sdeej/q apuenpe on panunuoo sey iv anmelaue8 ueun asus
uoisu u uonendde yaunsuoɔSuwo-1seney oup y aupew一SJesn anDe uoMtW OOl paeunsa ue pape le Apee ne pey11’GI Spuow ONIvoneisuowap /Soppupen e se Apaue TOc DE eqwanoN uo paseeal Apnqnd sMld9eup eiseupru tpnu Auo ueed aues ap Suwopy aq oi suees iv apeaueg



