Logistics:The logistics sector has experiancedrapidgrowthasaresuitof substantial exponsion of e-commarce. Significantimprovamentsarenowneedad in indonesio’s supply chain,as logistics pertormance at larga has boan hindorad by poorintrastructure,comploxbureoucrocy andregulations,oswellosimited standardization.”Indonesio’ssprowing archipelago also creates significant geographical challenges for robust and efficient supply chain management. Technological adoption is key to improved logisticsperfarmance,withtech-anabled logistics able to dalivar more efficient manogoment,roduce costs,and help propel the dovolopment of the digital supply chain in indonesia
Health: Indonesia’s digital health spoce remainainainitsinfancy,buttheriseof healthcorestartupshosfaciltateddigital transformation in the sector.The results includenew,wide-ranging,andintegroted services,such as cnline consultotions, crowdfunding.COMD-19testbooking. doctor appointments,digital drugs purchases,and more.Nonotheless,a shortages of physicions,low service quality, and a lack of regulation ond technological Gdoption are key problems that should be addressed to establish on optimal healthcoresysteminindonesig.”Ihe development of a robust health tech ecosystam can help deliver on this goal through improved digital access to healthoorg,the transhar of knowledge on digitalhealth,andbyintroducing technologioally-odvanceddevicesto trodtionalhoolthoaresettings