
Foreword by marketoonist
For the last twentyyears,I’ve been drawing aweekly cartoon about ourcollectiveadventures in marketing.
Oneof my favoritego-totopics has long been cross-channel marketing.Delivering the rightmessage to the right person attherighttime is a perennial marketingchallenge,particularlywhen there aremanydifferent ways to communicate.Wehave neverhadgreater tools atour disposal inmarketing,andyetconsumerexpectations have neverbeenhigher.
Usually,when I draw cartoons,I get inspiredby anecdotes —either my own experience asa marketer or war stories that other marketers share with me.Mysource material is primarilyqualitative.
When MoEngage offered tocollaborate on this study,theypresented arare opportunity todive into thenumbers.MoEngage collected730 stories from fellow marketers (includingmany Marketoonist readers)to quantify someof themost common approaches,obstaclesand opportunities for B2C marketerstoday.
We surfaced and distilled the main insights andtakeaways,and I used this materialto createa series of cartoons that capture the state ofcross-channel marketingin 2024.
Thecollection ofcartoons that resulted spans everything from figuring outAl to workingwith limited budgets tobalancingcustomer acquisition with retention tostruggling withclunky legacytools to elevatingwhat personalizationmeans in today’s world.
I’ma big believer thatlaughing atourselves can help us do ourbest work.Holding up thefunhouse mirrortowhat we do helps us bond over some of the thingswereall trying tofigure outtogether.
This report balances levity with practical guidance on whatother marketers are grapplingwith.The goal is that it helps us become better marketers.And hopefullygives us asharedchucklealong the way



