
An active NAIChas begun to commit to timelines and deliverables,as underscored by the messages from lead state officials duringthe NAIC Fall 2022 conference.AmorefoausedNAICseekingtodevelop newguidance combined with active state rulemaking activities willcharacterize 2023. The insurance sector will also continue to see the expansion of cybersecurlty disclosure requirements as technology advances, withregulatorswantingtokeepaneyeoncompanies’resilience planning, their internal controls, and their cybersecurity training regimens. When so much is at stake for customers with their personally identiflable information(PII)discoverable through breaches,not only have companies’ IT and compliance departments prioritized data privacy hyglene,butleadership also considers it a top priority.④

The Best Interest(BI) investment product sales standard forannuityandotherWeproductsisnowpartofthe national oversight landscape.We expect an acceleration in enforcement as federal and even state regulators devote more resources to it after a fallow period of more gentle guidance than enforcement.”In fact,the head of the Financlallndustry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)made it clear in November that companies need to make sure they comply with Reg Bl because exams are underway,cases are in the enforcement “pipeline,”and violations in suitability will violate the Reg Bl standard as well,potentially resulting in dual violations.10

Our outlook provides a look into these and other key policy matters that are likely to emerge in the coming year so that insurance professionals are better prepared to operationallze new rules and regulations and anticipate emerging ones.



