The present document compiles data provided by numerous sources, together with estimates done in the absence or insufficient reliability of available statistics, Not all the information set out in this report has been systematically verified. The author is not responsible for any inaccuracy, nor is he liable for any damage what-soever, direct or indirect, from using this document or its contents.
The contents of this document are updated on a yearly basis with the goal of continually improving accuracy. Therefore, readers of past editions should be aware that some data might have beenamended in line with this objective. Since new and more reliable statistics are made available every year, some data changes must be interpreted carefully. Unless clearly specified and presented with historical series, some variances from one editionof this report to the next are not neces-sarily significant (increases or decreases). It may be only modification due to use of sources that are more reliable. Unaware comparisons with former editions of this report may thus lead to inadequate conclusions.
The information contained in this reportmay only be reproduced for non-com-mercial use with quote Laurent Vanat-2022 International Report on Snow & Mountain Tourism. Datasheets of themajor figures can be purchased in Excel format. Commercial use of the figuresor the whole document will be charged. Please refer to the applicable price list1.Swiss law,Geneva jurisdiction applies.