
This is Bitmovin’s 5th annud survey designed to collectaggregate,andanalyzeresponsestothe most burning questions and topics facing video developers.

We conducted the survey from July 7th through August 22nd,2021.538video developers and industry experts from 65 countries particlpated.

Certainguestionsinthesurveyaremultiple-choice,multiple-answer questions where the aggregate of the answers will not add up to 100%

Forthefirsttime,weintroducedaranking option for some questions. We have adapled the question lineup to acknowledge new developments and technologies.

While the Bitmovin Developer Survey is open for everyone to participate and we are posting it industry-wide,wewanttoprefacethattheresults mlghtbeslightlyskewedtowardstheBitmovin customer base.



