
·The export sector cnos sed USS 147 biWan in navanue in FY20,growing at &1%. ·Exparts resist at a CAGR af &05% during FY18-FY19.

·Expart af IT sorvicis has bo en the maiar cantritutor,accaunting tor 54% af total it ax part (includng hardware) dr ing FY19.

.BRI wath Enginearins and RsD(ERsth and wothang prothads acport accaintad faxta cach to tatal fr axporta durkng FY19.ER&D marbaat ta

wpe翻dB gow bU3342话onby2022framuss28bancurrently.

· Acconding to STPL(Saftwane Teethal agy Park afinda).saftware ex porta by the IT campanies cannichd to it,siaod at Rs.1.20 lakh crane(USS

18.29 blian)in the first quar aratFY22

t In August 2021,thith Ministar of Stata for Elactories and hfarmalan Tecindiagy,Mr.Rajaaav Chandrassashar,annaurand thatthat IT expart

Larged is sit at uss 400 uilion far March 2022.h adsition,he cortraIgavemmentplanstobesinareas,such cybersecunty,hypor-scale compuing,artificial inteliganco and block chaint



