
Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan
February 2024 Billings(Express Report)
Japan-based Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment
Note:All data is based on three month average numbers.
Mark your calendars.The March Report SEAJ’s Web site update is scheduled on 23rd April approximately
3:40P.M.Japan Time.Up dates are subject to change.
Japanese Semiconductor Equipment Industry Posts February 2024 Billings of Y317,418 million
Tokyo Japan,March 26th,2024 JAPAN-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment posted
¥317,418 million in billings in February 2024(three-month average basis)published today by SEAJ.
The billings figure is 0.8%percent up the final January 2024 level of ¥314,875 million and 7.8 percent upthe 2023 February billings level of ¥294.526 million.
The SEAJ billings are three-month moving average billings for the Japanese semiconductor equipmentindustry.Billings figures are in millions of Japanese ¥.



