Despite continued disruption,2021 saw a surprisingly strong rebound globally and in Asia as companies andindividuals adapted more quickly than expected.Economies continue to flourish,the job market is rejuvenated,and with the spotlight on flexibility andwellbeing, people are emboldened to reevaluate the balance between theirwork and personal lives.However,this rapid return to growth could be encumbered by the skills shortage we are already observing in some sectors.
In 2022, rising confidence and optimismwill see employers investing more in growing their workforce. More than haIf the employers we surveyed intend to add to their permanent headcount this year in anticipation of an increase in business activity levels. This is drivennot just by high-growth industries like technology and life sciences, fortunately spared the brunt of the pandemic, but also the revival of the hard-hitsectors,including manufacturing and services, as economies return to ‘business as usual’.