
Consider how Nike transformed how it serves customers.Driven by the challenges of the pandemic, the company implemented new technology platforms, automation and process improvements in its operations. It deployed Al and machine learning (ML) technologies to predict trends, order products and make its delivery systems faster and more accurate. Over two years, Nike invested in inventory optimization technology platforms to build a global digital-first supply chain.It now has over 1,000 “cobots”(collaborative robots that are capable of learning multiple tasks to assist humans) in its distribution facilities to sort, pack and move products. Cobots increased the pace of order processing and helped

Nike triple its digital order capacity in North America,Europe,the Middle East and Africa over the 2020 and 2021 holiday seasons.21

The company also developed an integrated omnichannel experience to foster direct connections with customers. Now, when Nike Members enter one of its stores, they can ask for fitting rooms and shoe sizes through the Nike app. They can also receive special offers and exclusive products while in-store and make payments through the app,skipping store checkout lines.22

Nike began its digital build journey years ago.In2017,thecompanyannounced



