

Brand Finance Institute is the educational division of Brand Finance,whose purpose is to create and foster a professional environment for knowledge-sharing and networking among practitioners and experts in the market.BFl organises events,in-company training,and corporate educational initiatives around the world.In the quest for marketing excellence and with the purpose to equip the brand valuation and strategy practitioners with the necessary skills and tools, we have developed a wide range of programmes and certifications in collaboration with the most coveted business schools, universities and thought leaders in the field. Brand Dialogue

Brand Dialogue is a public relations agency developing communications strategies to create dialogue that drives brand value.Brand Dialogue has over 25 years of experience in delivering campaigns driven by research,measurement, and strategic thinking for a variety of clients,with a strong background in geographic branding, including supporting nation brands and brands with a geographical indication (Gl).Brand Dialogue manages communications activities across Brand Finance Group’s companies and network.



