
Chart 42:USin tarest rates and Consumar Price Index:(July 1954-June 2022)Chart43:Quarterlynetratailsales(Q12007-Q22022)

Chart 44:Mon thly prapartion of fundsunder man agamant in respon sible investments(Jan 2020-Dec 2021)Chart 45:Re sponsible inve stment fundsund ar managament by asse t class and comp onentin 2021 Chart 46:Re sponsible imve stment natretail sales by asset class(2020-2021)Chart 47:Net retailsales to active and index tracking funds(2011-2021)

Chart 48:Active funds and trackar funds as a proportion of totalfunds under manage mant(2006-2021)Chart 49:Net retailsales af trackar funds by indax imve stment type(2011-2021)Chart 50:Equity funds,nat ratail sales by m gion(2011-2021)

Chart 5 1:Parformance of the major equity indicas ona capitalraturn basis (Janu ary 2017-December 2021)Chart 52: Man thily net ratail sale s by equityyregion Qanuary 2020-December2021)Chart 53:Monthly net retail sales,UK equity soctors (January 2017-Docembar 2021)Chart 54:Fiban d income,nat ratail salas by soctar(20 11-2021)

Chart 55:Monthly fixed income net retailsales (Janu ary 2020-December 2021)

Chart 56:Monthly netratail sale s to the Sterling bond seators (January 2020-December 2021)Chart 57:Monthly net retail salestothe non-Sterling bond soctors in 2021 Chart 58:Outcome and allo ca tion,netretail salesby sector(2012-2021)

Chart 59:Monthly outcome and allocation,rat mtail sales by sector(Jan 2020-Dec 2021)Chart 60:Property fundsundermanagament and netretail sales(2011-2021)Chart 6 1:Nat ratailsalas by type of pro perty fund(20 11-2021)Chart 62:Fund of funds FUM and nat ratail salas(2011-2021)Chart 63:Net ratailsalas by distribution channel(2013-2021)Chart 64:Ratailinvestor average holding pariods(2006-2021)

Chart 66:Total subscriptions to cash and stocks&shares ISAs(2008/2009-2020/2021)Chart 66:Total assetsin stocks&shares ISAs by type of asset(2021-2021)Chart 67:Industry concen tration af UK-domiciled fundsundermanagament(2011-2021)Chart 68:Fund gross sales concentrationqxcl.monay markat funds(2012-2021)Chart 69:UKdomiciled funds by invastor pro fle (2016-2021)

Chart 70:UKinvestor fundsunder managarnent by fund domicile(Q12016-Q42021)Chart 71:Propartion af UK investar FUM by fund domicila(2015-2021)

Chart72:Monthly UKinvostor net mo tail sales by fund type(Janu ary 20 20-De aa mbar 2021)Chart 73:Annual parcantage of natmtail sales by fund type(2012-2021)Chart74:Euro pa-wide UCITS nat salas(Q12019-Q42021)Chart75:Assetsin UQI TS and AFs by do micile(2019-2021)Chart76:Industry nat ravenue and profitability(2019-2021)Chart 77:Distribution af invastment managar profitability in 2021

Chart 78:Industry headcount estimate vs.UKassets under managament(2007-2021)Chart79:Dimact emplayment staff segment(2016-2021)

Chart 80:IA member firms ranked by UKassets under man agement (June 2021)

Chart 81:Markat sha m of Largast firms by UK assetsundermanagament vs.HHI (June 2011-June2021)Chart 82:Top ten firms by UK-managed and glotal assets undor managamentin Docember 2021 Chart83:Bmakdown af UKAUM by ragion of parant group HQ(201 1-2021)Chart 84:B makdown af UKAUM by parant type(201 1-2021)



