
Inour own firm,we are douting downan diversity,trtting cur numbero Bkc k hires,and electingtwice the rumber of womenpartners infve years.Our glotal workfarce is 48 percentwomen,and52 pecentof our clent-sening coleaques in the US are tromradalor ettnicmirority groups.We take great prite inour progress,butwe wanttomake sure we are cdistinc thedly diver se and have more than tipled ourtdentrecruitment sources tom 540 in 2021 to more than 1700 thiespast year to ensure that ever yone with the sks and tdenthasa shotat eur firm.
We are setting the standard onaccountability and compliance
Accountabityandcomplance are deeply enbeddedin our processes,mirdtsets-and inoureuture.Sirce 20t8,we have spent nearty$700 mlkon on strengthering our risk management teams,capabates,and proces sesas partof our amtbiion to lead eur
incustry-and we haverecruited some af the worli’s best tslentto hepttrom companies ke Apple,Walmart,Microsoft,and Uber?Amongotherenhancements,weintroaduced an industry teading dient senicetramework CIIO)which hetlps us vet each new c hent and guides ouraproachto engagements.Our commitmentestends to cur suprlersand interndl systems,whese we have improved cybersecurity anddocument retention,and process maragement Annualy,ourcoleagues participate inaritgorous ProfessinalStandards and Risktraning program,and we havea 100 percent compdetion rate.Wewilreverrest in our pur suit toset the standard.Our firm’s purpose is tohelp create posilive,endur ing changein thewarkl.We asgire to do this by accelerafng sustainable and indusivegrowth through direct and measurabe impact in par tners hip withourchents.Throughout thes report,we have shared stories aboutthe many waysin which we are doingjust that.Weare sharing themnotonly because weareproud af whatwe hare acheved so far,butbecause we hope thatthey are a source ofinspiration for even bdderaspirations and innovatiors in the years ahead.For us,thes workesnever really done.
Bob Sternfels Gotad ManagingPartrer,Mckirsey 8 Compary



