
I am thrilled to present the Booking.com How IndiaTravels 2023 report:yet another significant milestone inour relentless pursuit of understanding the ever-changingbehaviours and preferences of travellers around the world.
This is India’s moment to shine-the country is at an inflectionpoint with leading macroeconomic indicators and enablerscoming together positively to facilitate it.India continuesto grow at a rapid pace,with significant investments madein manufacturing and services,infrastructure and last mileconnectivity improving rapidly.India has demonstrateddigital adoption across payments and content consumption.Outofthe 800-850 million people with internet access,approximately 300-350 million are digital payment users,
while roughly 165 million engage in e-retail trans actions forproducts and services.This phenomenonhas given rise to two critical cohorts,users from Tier2 and 3 cities and the Gen Zdemographics.
This research holds immense importance as it delves into the diverse Indian travel landscape -aregion that has emerged as apowerhouse in the travel sector,captivating millions of travellers withits myriad cultures,breathtaking landscapes and rich history.India has remained resilient amidstprevailing macroeconomic realities.Despite complex global challenges,including inflation,geopoliticalinstability,climate change and supply chain disruptions,our recent Travel Confidence Index researchuncovered astriking paradox:aremarkable 86%of Indian travellers maintain unwavering optimism fortheirfuture travel plans in the next 12 months,while over half(61%)have no intention ofpostponing theirtravel plans.This unwavering spirit of adventure and desire to create lasting memories through travelseem to outweigh any financial concerns,reinforcing India’s resilience andits position as adriving forcein the global travel ecosystem.
AtBooking.com,our mission is to make it easierfor everyone to experience the world.We understandthe importance of adapting to the economic climate while empowering travellers to explore andexperience the wonders of travel.In 2023,we continue to offer the widest choice,excellent value and aseamless booking experience for travellers across the globe.Booking.com provides simple,convenientandcost-effective options for travellers to embark on their journeys,search and book their perfect stays,even amidst economic uncertainties.
How India Travels 2023 provides invaluable insights into the evolving nature ofthe Indian travellerandthe factors that are driving this growth.I invite you to immerse yourselfin this report to thoroughlyexplore,understand and unpack the vibrant opportunities offered by the Indian travel ecosystem.



