
The proposals were built on recommendations from the TaskForce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures [TCFD].These proposals also incorporated industry-based disclosurerequirements derived from Sustainability Accounting StandardsBoard [SASB] Standards.

The ISSB sought comments on the two proposed IFRS

Sustainability Disclosure Standards and it aims to finalise therequirements by the end of 2022.

The proposed IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosureof Sustainability-reloted Financial Information [General

Requirements Exposure Draft] requires companies to discloseinformation about all of their significant sustainability-relatedrisks and opportunities.

The proposed IFRS S2 Cimate-related Disclosures [ClimateExposure Draft] focuses on climate-reloted risks and

opportunities.It incorporates the recommendations of the TaskForce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures [TCFD] andincludes metrics toilored to industry classifications derived fromthe industry-based SASB Standards.

是項議案以氣候相關財務披露工作小组(Task Force on

Climate-Related Financial Disclosures)的建議作為基礎,业已納入根據可持績會計凖則委員會(Sustainability AccountingStandards Board)凖則所得出的行業披露要求。






