This report contains brief,selected information and analysis pertaining to the advertising, marketing and technology industriesand has been prepared by Verista Part-ners Inc.d.b.a.Winterberry Group.It does not purport to be all-inclusive or tocontain all of the information that a prospectivemanager,investor orlendermay require. Projections and opinions in this reporthave been prepared based on informationprovided by third parties.Neither Winterberry Group nor its respective sponsors make any representations or assurancesthat this information is complete or completely accurate, as it relies on self-reported data from industry leaders-including advertisers,marketing service providers,technology developers and agencies.Norshall any of theforgoing (or theirrespective officers or controlling persons) have any liability resulting from the use of theinformation contained herein or otherwise supplied. All trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners.
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