
The B2B market is evolving rapidly-and the need for smartergo-to-market (GTM)strategies is growing right alongside it. In the”2022 GTM Benchmark Survey,” which queried more than 200 high-level B2B leaders across sales and marketing,40% of respondents indicated they define“GTM”as how they take a new product to market-which was expected.But,interestingly,just under one-third took the progressive route and said that GTMincludes all customer-facing activities, including marketing, sales, growth, and account retention.

When viewed through the lens of leaders (those who exceeded their revenue goals) and laggards(those who fell short of their revenue goals),more leaders (34%)than laggards (26%)chosethe more progressive definition, demonstrating that successful companies view GTM strategies through a wider revenue-generating lens vs. just launching new products.

It’s dear that there’s room for improvement to get the rest of the industry on board with the modern definition. Throughout this survey report,we’ll highlight the changing GTM landscape arnd discuss how leaders (and laggards) perform in their current GTM strategies. We’ll examine:

The strategies that sales and marketing leaders indicated are critical to driving growth and how they’re allocating their investments The continued challenge of sales and marketing alignment, with an inside look into how companies are bridging the gap;GTM’s overall shift from heavily product-focusedto all-encompassing of the customer journey,

How account intelligence and insights influence campaignsand sales motions and the data marketing and sales are using to fuel them; and

Key areas of GTM that can be enhanced or aided through the help of technology platforms and providers.



